Every year around this time of the year, there is incredible energy and enthusiasm for a brand New Year. And I share in your same excitement. I believe it’s because of the opportunity to start fresh. To start new. And to dream big dreams and cast out a wonderful vision. And to set strategy in place so that you can work like mad to make your dreams become a reality.
Today, I present to you my “30 Ways To Make 2020Your Best Year Yet!” I hope it inspires you and ignites action in you to truly live out your best year and your best life.
As always, I would love your feedback and comments on the article. Please share which points below MOST RESONATE with you, and which ones are going to MOST help you craft up your best year and life.
Without further ado, here are my “30 Ways To Make 2020 Your BEST Year Yet!”:
1. Be the most positive person you know. Always!
2. Success traps are harder to get out of than failure traps.
3. Change or die. Yes, it’s scary. But it must be done. Ask Yourself what NEED to change in your business or life? And then make that change happen!
4. Embrace FEAR. Face Everything and “Run” or Face Everything and “RISE”
5. Focus on what you DO want, not what you DON’T want.
6. People often overestimate what they can do in a year…and under-estimate what they can do in 10 years.
7. Commit to one date a week with your spouse or significant other. OK, at least one date a MONTH with them. (Remember, a date does NOT include the kids and you get to talk about things you talked about before you had kids. :)).
8. Have a date night or date breakfast with each of your kids. And fill your time with them in meaningful conversation talking about “deep stuff”… dreams, the “birds & the bees”, spirituality, beliefs, adversity, choices, or principles of life.
9. Who you do you want to be a hero to? Answer that and passionately focus on BEING that!
10. You have to give up GOOD to get to GREAT!!
11. Define your “game-changing” move in 2020. What’s it going to be? Then get it done!
12. If you want to get ahead in 2020, think of yourself as a trapeze artist swinging from swing to swing. If you want to get to the NEXT swing, you must LET GO of the swing you are holding on to. What “swing” do you need to let go of in order to get you where you want to go this year?
13. Take more risks. You gotta play BIG this year!
14. Remember that business is about relationships & connections. It’s important to remember not to fall in love with your product. Fall in love with your customers.
15. Plan as if you will live forever but live as if you’ll die tomorrow.
16. Have a “purge” party. Purge your closets, your car, your office, your locker, or anywhere else you spend a lot of time. By “purging” the old or unused, you are opening up free-space in your head and heart for “new.” Out with the old…in with the new.
17. Know your “Big 5 for the Year.” These are the 5 most important things that you need to make happen by the end of 2020 to truly make it the best year of your life.
18. Post your “Big 5 for Life” in your home office. These are the 5 things that you MOST want to accomplish in your lifetime. See it every day…and manifest your intentions.
19. Establish your AM & PM routines. Your habits early in the morning and late at night help dictate your success. Craft up your best-morning practices and your night-time routine and watch your success soar. (Tip: even just a few minutes of gratitude, prayer, journaling, or reading inspirational material is healthy and welcome for your soul.)
20. Post affirmations on your bathroom mirror.
21. Don’t focus on making money; focus on creating value.
22. A leader of one, a leader of many, if you can’t lead one, you can’t lead any. LEAD YOURSELF first!! Do what you need to do.
23. It takes 10-years to build a great reputation. It takes one day to destroy it. Make the right choices.
24. Success takes time. Be patient, but continually invest in yourself.
25. Focus on the PROCESS… not the product.
26. Get Your Mind Right! At ALL COSTS.
27. Be humble…be hungry!
28. It’s not WHAT’s in your life that is important…it’s WHO is in your life that is most important. Say ‘thank you’ and ‘I love you’ more frequently to them.
29. Say what you need to say NOW to those you love…before it’s too late.
30. My last and final point (#30) is relative to my previous point (#29). Here is what I’d like to say to you…
“Thank you. Thank you for being you. You know there are gifts deep inside of you that still need to be tapped into. I believe in you. God made every person unique and beautiful. It’s your responsibility to tap into your gifts and potential so that you can ultimately fulfill your divine purpose. Make 2020 YOUR year. No more stagnation, deliberation, or wondering WHEN it’s your time. Your time is NOW. In 366 days from now, let’s make sure we have done some amazing things, created some extraordinary experiences, and served mankind in some spectacular way. I love you and you inspire me more than you could ever imagine. Thank you for being you. Karina"
I hope there are at least 5-10 points that really SPEAK to you and inspire you to create your best year. Write them down, highlight them, post them, share them, and make sure you DO THEM.
My friends, I’m excited for you and with you. I can’t wait to continue motivating and inspiring you to do your best work and live your best life.
Happy New Year and let’s truly make 2020 the BEST year of YOUR LIFE!
Much love… and much SUCCESS!!!

Karina Cross - Master Trainer ACSM ALPOFI ASFA IHP TRX Owner Karina Cross Fitness Co-Owner/Founder Forever Fit, LLC

Thanks to my great Clients, Mentors, Family and Friends, I am celebrating the completion of my second year in business. I've built a lot of great relationships already, and I am looking forward to strengthening them even further. Thanks for helping to make Karina Cross Fitness a success! #thankful Thank You All! Love, Karina!
2019 RECAP As we conclude 2019, there's plenty to look back on and celebrate and even more reasons to look forward to what's next. Here are some of our favorite moments of 2019: Working Hard all year

Welcoming Christin to Karina Cross Fitness

Celebrating Birthdays


Bryan asked Sandra to marry him IN THE STUDIO!!!...

Our Annual Halloween Costume Contest.

Our First Christmas Party

It's Foodie Friday Again at Karina Cross Fitness With Christin
Foodie Friday: Roast Vegetables
Do you eat enough vegetables? There is truth in your mother's often perceive nagging about "eat your vegetables". Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the mushy, canned version of vegetables. I'm talking about fresh vegetables.... roasted! During the winter months roasting veggies can be a delicious and warming way to add vegetables to your meals. While it is true that cooking vegetables at high temperature does lower the vitamins B and C levels in veggies, it also makes other nutrients easier for the body to absorb.

Roasted Broccoli is so delicious. Roasting brings out a sweetness and a crunch that you just don't get with streaming or boiling. It can even be a great snack substitute for potato chips.

Roast Sweet Potatoes:
These gems are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and flavor.

Roasting cauliflower is great because you can add so many flavors to a normally bland vegetable.
This Friday, January 3rd check our Facebook Page and get recipe ideas for roasting veggies. Keep in mind that you can roast any vegetable - asparagus, radishes, tomatoes, Brussel sprouts, green bean, and carrots.....
Do you have a favorite roasted vegetable? Please share!
Ask Karina or Christin for this great deal

"We are still running this special until Jan 15"
For Those who want to pay their 2020 membership fee in full. Remember, If you pay in full, you will receive a 17% discount — that’s a $40 (or two month) savings! “