
May 1, 20206 min

2 Words We Must Eliminate

Good morning Fit Family!

I have been hearing from a LOT of people about how they are feeling extra stressed and strangely “emotional” over the past few weeks.

For example, little things they would have normally shrugged off seem to be causing more stress and frustration than usual.

Can you relate?

The stress of it all is adding up fast. I wanted to send out a quick email today about simple things you can do to reduce your stress!

In my new ebook, the At Home Survival Kit, I am  mentioning something from Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.

When you focus on the things outside of your control (like what’s happening in the world outside your house over the past couple months!), you are in REACTION mode.

That is not a fun place to be. It’s like you’re waiting for the next big problem to hit, so you are always on alert.

But when you shift your focus to the things you CAN control (like your daily habits, how you treat others, your immediate surroundings and your actions) – you move into a PROACTIVE mode. (this is called your Circle of Influence.)

Staying in your “circle of influence” will help you alleviate so much stress!

Now, obviously if you’re feeling seriously stressed and anxious, you should talk to a professional for some guidance.

Here’s a quick Action Plan to help you stay inside your Circle of Influence:

1.     Stressed? If you're feeling stressed, move yourself PHYSICALLY out of your environment. Don’t sit there watching the news or staring at your devices. Go for a walk, listen to music, workout, or meditate.

2.     Clear Your Mind. With all of the chaos, disorder and uncertainty, more than ever you need to be still, clear your mind, and think for YOURSELF. Meditate, pray, breathe, do whatever works for you, but spend some time in silence daily in silence and breathe. (minimum of 5 minutes).

3.     WORKOUT. At LEAST 3-5 times a week. Enough said!  You can visit Karina Cross Fitness Facebook page for free workouts.

4.     Media Detox: There’s a big difference between being informed and over-consuming the news. Be mindful of the amount of time you’re watching it. Learn what you need, and then shut it down.

5.     Gratitude: First thing in the morning and last thing before bed.

6.     Morning Ritual: Don't skip it. Make sure you start your day with something that sets your day up for success!

7.     Get INSPIRED: Read books, watch inspiring videos, call people you love  ... do whatever you need to do to stay in a positive state


Remember- you can’t pour from an empty cup!

You don’t have to do any of this alone. If you need help staying on track or building these new healthy habits, we can help you.

Stay Healthy!



Karina Cross - Master Trainer
Owner Karina Cross Fitness
Co-Owner/Founder Forever Fit LLC​

2-words that we most need to ELIMINATE from our vocabulary these days.

Those 2 words are… “WHAT IF…”

I hear too many people saying…

What if…we are quarantined for another 2-3 months?

What if…we don’t open in the next month?

What if…there is no high-school season next fall?

What if…there are no fans in the stands next fall?

What if…the economy crashes?

What if…the PPP that didn’t get funded the first time doesn’t get to me the 2nd time now too?

What if…school doesn’t go back as normal in the Fall?

What if…I lose my job?

What if…my landlord has no sympathy that PPP didn’t come through and rent is still due despite revenues being down 80-100%?

The list goes on...and on…and on.

What if… what if…what if….

STOP. STOP. STOP… and STOP again.

No more “WHAT IF".

Instead of “What if,” use “WHEN we, I WILL…” fill in the blank.

When we…can open back up again, I WILL make sure that the team and I are prepared to offer a safe and superb experience in a healthy, clean, and pristine environment.

When we…get the news on WHEN fall sports will begin, I WILL be happy that we have been preparing in April, May, and June readying ourselves. 

When we…get that PPP check, I WILL be able to take people off furlough and start paying them again.

When we get news of the economy and business opening up again, I WILL make sure to slowly, gradually, and safely get everyone moving again in the most unique and creative way ever seen.


These 4 words will change the way you think and act right now. Try it.

My friends, it comes down to CONTROL THE CONTROLLABLES.

There are so many things we can’t control right now. So don’t go there.

FOCUS on what you CAN CONTROL.

Your mindset.

Your language and vernacular.

What you eat.

If you train.

Your habits.

Your focus on the here and now.

Your learning.

Your pivoting

Bottom line…GET & KEEP YOUR MIND RIGHT. We got this and WE WILL GET THROUGH IT. #Promise

I will go as far to say this…

“WHEN WE HAVE OUR MINDS RIGHT, I WILL be one happy human being!”

Karina Cross- Master Trainer


Owner Karina Cross Fitness

Co-Owner/Founder Forever Fit LLC


Things sure are different than they were just a couple months ago, aren’t they? A lot of us have adjusted to a “new normal” but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy.

That’s why I created the At Home Survival Kit ebook – and right now you can get your copy for FREE!

Now more than ever it’s important to be VIGILANT when it comes to our healthy habits and what we choose to focus on!

The “At Home Survival Kit” is packed with tips & ideas to help you do just that!

●      At-home workouts with minimal equipment

●      Your perfect lockdown schedule

●      Healthy recipes you can make from ingredients you probably have on-hand

●      Activities for keeping the family (and yourself!) focused and positive

●      Ideas for making your home feel even more like a safe haven

We created this guide because we wanted to do something special for you to let you know we CARE about you and are HERE for you.

Feel free to forward this email along to your friends, family or coworkers if you think they might enjoy the At Home Survival Kit ebook, too.

As always, if you need anything, we’re here for you. We’re in this thing together!

Stay healthy!

Karina Cross Fitness Team

→ Click here to download your FREE copy now



It's Foddie Friday with Christin at Karina Cross Fitness


Easy Shakshuka

(Eggs Poached in

Tomato Sauce)

(serves 4)

This traditional Middle Eastern

dish is a full meal in itself! Feel

free to use this as a base recipe

and customize it to suit your

taste. Add more veggies, stir in

some goat or feta cheese, play with the spices, etc!

  • 2 cups (480 g) canned crushed tomatoes

  • 1 15 oz (425 g) can chickpeas (or whatever beans you have on-hand), rinsed

  • 1 cup (150 g) frozen spinach

  • 3 minced garlic cloves

  • 1 tsp dried thyme

  • ¼ cup (60 g) plain yogurt

  • 4 large eggs

Heat a large skillet to medium and add tomatoes, canned beans, garlic, and thyme, heating until it reaches a simmer. Keep the mixture at a simmer as you stir in the yogurt.

In a separate small bowl, crack an egg (make sure you don’t break the yolk!). Make a little “nest” in the tomato sauce big enough to hold the egg and carefully drop it in. Repeat for each of the other eggs, and cook until they are “set” to your liking (usually 5-7 minutes). Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!

Easiest-Ever Black Bean Tacos (or Mini Pizza!)

(serves 4)

Another customizable recipe based on what you have on-hand. Add veggies, leave them out, add ground meat or more toppings … it’s up to you!

If you decide to make this as a pizza, keep your eye on the tortilla as it bakes to make sure it doesn’t burn.

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 15 oz  (425 g) cans black beans, rinsed

  • Jar of salsa

  • 1 cup (150 g) frozen spinach

  • 1 cup (165 g) frozen corn

  • 1 tsp ground cumin

  • ½ tsp garlic powder

  • 8 taco shells OR 4 tortillas

  • ¾ cup (85 g) shredded or crumbled cheese

  • Heat your oven to 325ºF (160ºC).

    • Heat olive oil in a skillet. While it’s heating, mash 1 can of beans in a large bowl, and when the oil is hot, add it to the skillet, along with the other can of beans and the salsa. When it’s heated, stir in the spinach, corn, cumin and garlic powder.

    • When veggies are heated through, assemble your taco or pizza.

    • Tacos: place mixture in taco shells, add cheese, and place on a baking sheet.

    • Pizza: Place tortillas on a baking sheet and spread the mixture on top of them and then crumble cheese on top.

    • Place in the oven until the cheese melts, 8-12 minutes.


Karina Cross Fitness T-shirts $15 for the whole month of May

Get a FREE ICON magnet for your car. Ask Christin or Karina at the front desk. 
